Weird Title?

If you’ve read my first blog post, you know where the title of this blog comes from.

But I’ll add it here anyway.

The night before I started this blog, I was thinking about all the creative blog titles I’ve seen and trying to come up with one of my own.

I got to thinking about what my goal in life is, about some of the things I’ve done and the lessons I’ve learned.

The summer of 2009, while going through a devotional book for girls, I came across a quote that goes something like this: “Treat God with the respect He deserves and watch how absolutely GORGEOUS you become!” I wrote that sentence down on a post-it note that I then stuck on my bedroom wall, as sort of a daily goal.

That was over two years ago, and I have to admit that I haven’t been living up to my goal the way I want to.

As mentioned earlier, this blog is my way of doing just that.

I want to be captivating, but respectful and modest at the same time.

I want to be secure in my identity in Christ before I begin dating or anything.

I want to be able to see myself the way God sees me so that I’ll be ready to hear “You’re beautiful” from other people and actually believe it.

…If that makes sense.

So that’s where that comes from. The idea that I want to capture God’s heart and work on capturing other people, too. Not with my physical appearance, but with what’s inside.

Song Of Songs 2:2
Song Of Songs 4:7
Psalm 45:11
1 Peter 3:3-4
Proverbs 31:30
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10
Ephesians 3:11

6 thoughts on “Weird Title?”

  1. This is awesome Becca! and I love your title (and the reasons for it etc.) I’ll start keeping up with your blog too 😀 I love your writing too, it’s so true.
    Stay strong for Christ,

  2. I love it!

  3. i think it’s not a weird title…it a beautiful title. beautiful meaning, too.

  4. it’s*(whoops, bonehead moment)

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